Saturday, November 9, 2013

Steel Lockers in NJ | How to Buy Steel Lockers in NJ |Steel Lockers Selection Guide for NJ 2014

Steel Lockers in NJ, Madsen & Howell of New Jersey is celebrating their 104th year of providing quality US made lockers and the lowest overall cost. Our goal is to help you select the exact locker needed while avoiding pitfalls when ordering lockers. Listed below is some key factors to consider when your in need of lockers.

6 Tier Box Lockers - Double Tier Lockers - Single Tier Lockers
The industries  most popular types of Lockers always available on quick ship form
Madsen & Howell

  • Freight - Buy from a stocking distributor. You will save on costly freight charges.
  • Stocking distributors have a lot invested in inventory and knowledgeable staff, Let them provide you with the tools to buy the correct locker. Good Distributors provide complimentary on-site layouts. They will keep you within the guidelines of your towns code guidelines and ADA compliance.
  • Even if your buying assembled lockers, Its best to let the Distributor deliver the lockers, for a small fee the will not only delivery them to you dock, But they will anchor them properly to your walls, reducing the potential for injuries and liabilities.
  • Stick with standard popular sizes. Like car buying ask the distributor to quote you on the most popular standard size lockers. Your locker users always want the largest available, Which can increase the costs up to 40% higher than what you really needed to spend. Law Enforcement agencies typically use 12W x 18D x 72H lockers. they work very well for Uniforms, Backpacks, and gear. Each Single tier locker comes with coat hooks, and hat shelf. Additional shelves can be added if needed.
  • Color selection: US manufacturers and distributors normally stock gray and or tan lockers, All offer numerous additional colors at no additional charge. Stick with standard colors.
  • Type of locker to buy Depends on the number of people using the lockers and space available. Single Tier, Double Tier, Three, Four, Five , Six Tier , Two person lockers and 16 person lockers, 16 person lockers are actually box lockers with a coat rod, 16 Person Lockers provide secure storage and a place to hang coats. You may want to stick with the largest selling lockers in the industry for the lowest price and quickest delivery. They are Single Tier, Double Tier and 6 Tier Box lockers. 15 inch deep and 18 inch deep lockers can handle backpacks.
  • Multi Tier lockers are commonly called Box Lockers, Box lockers provide the most amount of lockers in the smallest footprint. Utilize your height, If you can use 6 tier lockers buy them. Please note all quick ship lockers come with 6 inch legs, So the height of the lockers will be 78 inches. Locker legs can be easily removed for lower heights. 
  • Type of handles: Recessed and exposed. Recessed handles keep the lock recessed into the door handle pocket. Exposed handles leave the lock laying on the door - exposed. Over the years some manufacturers stop using steel handles and lever rods. Steel recessed handles and rods have a greater life than plastic type handles and rods. Reducing the potential of broken lockers and costly repairs.
  • Options Available:
  •  Flat top lockers or sloping top lockers.
  • Built in locks or combo padlocks or padlocks, Which ever way you go, Get padlocks and combo locks with a master key. Combination Locks provide greater advantages. Each lock can be programmed with up to 5 different combination numbers. As the locker user changes, you can change the combination number. Buying built-in locks reduces the chance of losing locks.
  • If your buying off the internet read the fine print. Assembled or Unassembled. KD mean knocked down unassembled. Good assembly of lockers is key to long term use. Please note that hiring the Distributors in house installers maybe more cost effective then having your staff do it. Time is money.
  • Locker Legs or Z base:
  • Quick ship lockers comes with 6 inch open legs, Order closed in bases to keep dust from settling below the lockers and footwear being placed under the lockers.
  • Z base is a 4 or 6 inch base that supports the lockers. If you do not specify the color of the base it will probably come in black. Use an experienced installer for Z base installations.
  • The good news is Lockers made in the US provide the lowest overall costs, Best Warranty and if you order the same color as your locker needs grow, The paint color will match every time.
  • Imported locker colors may vary as companies change sources from country to country.
  • Locker Benches: Lastly consider locker room benches.
Health Issues: Antimicriobial Lockers are finished in an advanced powder coating technology from DuPont and Agion® Antimicrobial that inhibits bacterial, mold and fungal growth on locker surfaces - 24 hours a day. Available for a minor upcharge buy well worth the investment in every building today.
As you can tell we at Madsen and Howell are passionate about lockers, We want your purchase to be the right one at the lowest overall cost, With the Best Warranty available. contact us today for immediate assistance.
Complimentary on-site Layouts, Professional Installation ad Lifetime Warranties
Madsen & Howell
Our Locker division is open 7 days a week from 6AM - 8PM
NJ Steel Locker Purchasing Guide 2014
NJ Republic Lockers, Lyon Lockers, Penco Lockers